XORBIS has been exploring media in diverse fields. However, as long as there is interaction between media and people, Any space can be a new field for


New Xperience Creator

디지털 전시 및 미디어 분야에서 국내 최첨단의 실감 미디어와 XR(eXtended Reality) 기술을 활용하여 콘텐츠를 제작하고, 이를 위한 최적화된 공간을 구현하여 상상을 현실로 바꾸는 미래를 선도해 나가고 있습니다.


Core Software Integration

We offer specialized software solutions that introduce new possibilities within the multimedia environment.

  • Custom(Hyper-real) VFX Solution for the creation of rich visual effects on VR/AR/XR platforms
  • Machine Learning-based Image Generation for an active user experience
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Software for Human-Centered Interactive Multimedia
  • Distributed Processing and Optimization Solution on 3D Engine for Extremely High-Resolution (20K or more) Contents

Media hardware integration

We possess distinctive hardware systems and control technologies meticulously designed for immersive environments.

  • Hologram Display with Optical Effects
  • Large-Scale Volumetric Display
  • Design and Implementation of Kinetic Media
  • Real-time Robot Control Technology, including Vector Line Tracing, KUKA PRC
  • Synchronization of Immersive Content and Amusement Ride Control System
  • Automated Image Distortion Technology for Unconventional Projection Mapping

innovative space Experience

We design and construct spaces that prominently encapsulate the essence of the media’s identity.

  • Hologram Display with Optical Effects
  • Algorithmic Modeling for Parametric Space Design
  • Digital Fabrication Utilizing 3D Printing, Robotics, etc.
  • Systematic Space Design Employing a Space Analyzing Program (Space Syntax)

Media managing solutions

We ensure an integrated system so that the special experience can last longer.

  • Smart CMS for Complex Media Operations and System Integration
  • Indoor Location-Based Services (LBS) and Visitor Movement Tracking Technology Utilizing LIDAR


Vision Robotics

  • Real-time Robotics Integration
  • Kinetic Movement Processing

Most robotics technologies emphasize controlling repetitive movements, but Vision Robotics can interact with visitors by sensing situations using a real-time control module. In addition, linking with vector graphics and NURBS modeling data allows continuous and smooth kinetic operations.

Immersive mL

Real-time Image and Language Processing

  • Infinite image creation using Machine Learning (GAN) algorithm
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The solution uses the GAN algorithm of Machine Learning to generate various contents comprising visitors’ needs. Utilizing Style GAN and GPT-3, we are continuously building a Data Set for the use of immersive contents. The solutions can also be utilized to produce immersive contents by integrating natural language processing (NLP) with Facial Mapping in Robotics.

smart CMS

  • Optimizing content by tracking and analyzing visitor behavior
  • Audience recognition and tracking with LIDAR

The system implements indoor Location-Based Services(LBS) content by integrating viewer LIDAR tracking with CMS. This allows for the incorporation of new user experiences such as user recognition and big data utilization within content management.

Ambient sound engine

  • Interactive Sound Generation in Immersive Media

The solution offers a soundscape that harmonizes with the environment using virtual space-based EQ (frequency-specific effects), delay, and reverse control. It analyzes the spatial structure of 3D modeling to craft a customized soundscape.

Real-Time Hyper-Resolution 3D
(up to 100K)

  • Distributed 3D Engine Processing
  • Real-time Image Synchronization

At present, the resolution of real-time images generated by 3D engines is confined to 4K(UHD). This solution transcends this limitation by distributing hardware resources across servers and elaborately synchronizing the image calculations.

Real-Time 360 Viewport For 3D Engines

  • Real-Time Robotics Integration
  • Kinetic Movement Processing

Typically, VR experiences are limited to the field of view rendered by the Head-Mounted Display(HMD), ranging from 90º to 120º for a wide viewing effect. In contrast, this solution offers a device-free VR experience achieved through the amalgamation of multiple viewports with minimal distortion.

core competence

innovative technology

  • VR/AR/프로젝션 매핑부터 VFX까지 XR 솔루션과 콘텐츠에 대한 다양한 전문 기술과 데이터베이스(DB) 보유
  • Interactive 콘텐츠에 대한 HW/SW 개방 및 실제 공간 구현에서 다수의 레퍼런스와 기술력 보유
  • 홀로그램 비전, 차세대 키네틱 디스플레이, Immersive Contents Simulator, 그리고 관람객 동선 AI 분석 솔루션 등 다양한 자체 연구개방 기술력

remarkable Insight

  • 뉴미디어 실감형 콘텐츠에 대한 깊은 이해와 풍부한 노하우
  • 정확한 고객 니즈를 파악하고 끊임없이 변화하는 트렌드에 대응하여 창조적인 프로젝트를 수행하는 능력
  • 공간 연출과 미디어를 복합적으로 구현할 수 있는 통찰력 보유

Creative design platform

  • 최첨단 기술과 감성을 접목한 Contents Creator Group
  • 혁신적인 사용자 경험(UX)를 극대화하는 공간 디자인 역량
  • 프로젝트별로 외부 작가, 아티스트, 작곡가 등과의 협업을 통해 다양한 Creative을 이끌어내는 네트워크 보유

top-tier total solution provider

  • 상상을 현실로 구현하는 뉴미디어 실감형 콘텐츠에 대해 ONE-STOP 서비스 제공
  • 콘텐츠부터 전시공간까지 망라하여 기획, 제작, 설계, 영상, Metaverse 구축, 시스템 통합 관리까지 프로젝트의 모든 영역에서 성공적으로 완료한 실적과 노하우를 누적해 온 손꼽히는 업체