Services & Industries

체험형 전시에서부터
인공지능 통합 콘텐츠까지

Integration of AI with spatial design

To create interactive exhibition space and contents

프로젝트 더 보기

created by XORBIS

예술과 엔터테인먼트를 결합한
실감 전시관 뮤지엄엑스

MuseumX, created by XORBIS 

Integrates art, play, and technology

to provide a new interactive next generation media experience 

뮤지엄엑스로 가기

R&D Solution

Artistic Performing Humanoid

Convergence of robotics and interactive AI drawing system


Experimental Exhibition

융합형 심리 체험 전시
아이아이 연남

A new experience of personality testing and counseling
in an enjoyable and comfortable way
 through games and exhibitions 

아이아이 연남으로 가기

LED 파사드

뉴미디어 플랫폼
아시아콘텐츠 인터랙티브월

A unique and fun experience for visitors
on a T-shaped media wall with anamorphic effects
through active participation and interaction using kiosks 

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